Monster Attack Anthology Available Now

Monster AttackThis is the cover of Monster Attack: Gruesome Tales.  It is the anthology where I my short story Affliction was accepted.  Not only is it available in the digital format, but a paperback is available via Amazon – and maybe some other places.

Honestly, my story is a bit more than a short.  It probably approaches a novella; since I lost count of words…oh, around the 8,000 mark.  To learn more about my contribution and the anthology availability, read on…

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Yet Another Anthology Acceptance

Supernatural index_zoom

The above clip is from another anthology acceptance I garnered…from the same person compiling my “monster” story.  I cannot say much yet, but I will let you see a couple images below.  More to come…

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I’m Published (on Leanpub)

KD first proofI’d rather talk about the tech than talk about me – but here are the nuts and bolts on the situation…

People know I write.  When asked if anything is available to read, usually I point them to my Figment profile for free stories.  I’m asked if I have anything published, and I talk about some unfinished novels, or projects to revise.

Three novels are in the pipeline for [digital] publishing.  One is the first draft of a complete story, and the other two haven’t been completed yet.  Why would I publish unfinished works?  It keeps with the motto of Leanpub: Publish early, publish often.

leanpubI discovered Leanpub this year as a sponsor for Camp Nanowrimo.  I realized they were also a sponsor for Nano 2012, but for whatever reason I did not explore it.

What stands out most publishing through Leanpub is an opportunity to have an unfinished work available for purchase; which can not only provide valuable feedback, but the opportunity to provide free updates to readers.  Leanpub also has great free services to make works ready for publishing – not only converting your text to be available for Kindle or iPad, but a pdf which can be used to make a print version.

The royalties are simple to understand (you keep 90% minus fifty cents per copy).  Another cool perk is a Nano category in their bookstore.

All three projects currently on my profile are Nano works I mentioned at various times on this blog.  They all have free previews, and variable pricing for any who hate paying retail. I have a new email address for taking feedback and critiques, and also to respond.

Leanpub is a simple (and free) way to start publishing, but much elaboration upon a book’s design or layout is possible…if the writer wishes.

The video below is a little geeky and cutesy at the same time; explaining the site better in ten minutes than I can in a thousand words.

Literary Road to Glory: 2013

Mesnard’s “Glory Road” progress:

Year 2 dorm room

Lat year I had delusions of ambition.  Not only did I make a whole slew of writing goals, but I wanted to formulate a system where I could fail and still succeed: so I wouldn’t fall into the trappings of a majority who make resolutions for a new year.  Thus, I adopted this Road to Glory point system and progress meter…heavily stolen inspired by the PSP game NCAA Football 2010.

My version entailed a month-by-month roadmap: with secondary goals to help bolster any months which I faltered; or rather, my endeavors proved too ambitious.  To top it off, I made a more long-term (and secretive) goal which I gave myself a decade to accomplish.

What’s my secret agenda?  That’s still a pinky swear with Palpatine shrouded with secrecy.  Life would be boring without secrets, don’t you think?

Though my output was abysmal a few months (and then some), writing in December rather than enjoying Nanowrimo burnout was what finally helped me amass enough points to pull off a Road 2012 victory.

Since things seemed to go so well, I decided to definitely do it all over again for 2013.  Raising the stakes higher, I even altered my long-range goal (which is the second progress bar at the top of this post) to drive myself a tad harder.

What’s in store for me this year?  Hit the jump to get the month-by-month breakdown.

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Nano 2012: Story Update

The image is taller than what I usually show, but I’ll try to make it a shorter post to compensate.

Still writing this strange November.  Much has been different for me compared to a year or two back.  I’m sticking with my story from last year, and [so far] staying on-par with my personal goals so far.

I usually do some things to get ready for the Nano season.  This year I hesitated; whatever that reason was.  My updates here and my sponsor page have been sketchy at best.  Today I updated my Figment page (sorry for not mentioning updates there for at least a month).  There also hasn’t been an explanation for why I am writing what I am this month.

So what’s with the pic?  I did an earlier post showing the main character’s “last known whereabouts” when I was writing.  If you where she was as it happened, that could only complicate things for her.  The image is an indication of where she’s been.

What’s happening now?  Well…  According to all, she is ending her journey.  Kadie, the man from the establishment, and also-  That reminds me, maybe I’ve been letting her get a bigger lead than intended.  Here is the “establishment” in question:

That chapter did go much longer than intended, but that’s what the magic of a second draft is all about.  It’s all about quantity over quality though: in the month of November.

Lots Happening in my Head (positively)

Weirdness – via jessiisthehizz

The image represents the heading a tad.  Some literary flatlining has been going on. Not in the blocked writing fashion, but more as a recovery effort.  I suppose the blog has become collateral damage as a result…just as my failure to update my writing sites.

In the last thirty days (in no particular order) I was:

Quite a logjam of information!  I’ll write about it all, but it will happen more out of sequence than a Quentin Tarantino flick.  The winners will be those who subscribe to the blog: since they get notified of my posts…no matter what I set the date as.  All the rest will have to keep clicking and checking for anything above which caught interest.  I’ll link as I go, meaning I’ll keep this post at the top until late July, but some things may get lost in the shuffle.

I’m not trying to force anyone to subscribe, but there are perks: especially once I give the layout another renovation.  Hopefully the posts will all be up before camp starts again, but who knows.  I still plan on adding to the “cabin blog” we started before the June session.  Call it moonlighting…but I did make a couple posts very similar here as I had there.

More could be mentioned, but I’ll save it for one of the secretive posts.  Keep checking back; unless you’re a notified subscriber – since you’ll know the minute something is posted; no matter how heavy on the chronitons an entry happens to be.

Main Character Spotted:

Main Character Spotted

Seen leaving…

Destination: Unknown

Of course to quote Anthony Kiedis, “Now that is a lie.”  If I let everyone know where she was, someone might want to go out and catch her…and then I’ll never be able to finish the book on my own recognizance.

For fun, I’ll test out the idea of letting you know where she’s been: also to prove I finally got to the “inciting incident” and its consequence, so to speak.  You can also check out the scene at that locale [while it lasts] by scrolling down or “hit[ting] the jump” as I like to say.

Spoilers ahead – be warned!

If you DON’T want to be spoiled, you have two options (both which are FREE by the way):

1)  Wait until (at least) July for me to start posting chapters on Figment.

2)  Check it out from the beginning on Authonomy.

If you enjoy anything you see or read, don’t forget that I am still trying to StayClassy – but I’m not the “hard sell” type.

Enough warnings!  Look on if ye dare

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Camp Nano: Week Four Progress

The counselors at Camp Nanowrimo told me this was the most humane way to put a book out of its misery.  I will make no statement either way.

Wish I could say the image is me burning through my book and it will be kidnapped by teamsters ready for punishing you publishing soon.  To quoteth Thor, “Nay.”

I am happy to say I have more words written than to go after this week: meaning I got past the halfway mark.  I’ll cut to the pertinent parts of the breakdown-

My Average Words Per Day: 1,452
Total Words Written: 33,401(of 50,000)
Words Remaining: 16,599(as of June 23)

At This Rate You Will Finish On: July 4
Words Per Day To Finish On Time: 2,075

I’m shaving that estimated finishing date down.  I recall it being July 10 at one point…so I’m bridging that gap.

When I hit 50k, maybe I’ll give followers a peek inside my cabin.  It’s sort of our blog-within-a-blog.

If I make better headway, I’ll post an update on my main character.  Stay tuned…

My Debut YA Novel?

Attribution: Image: 'Sandra And The Slurpee'

 click pic to go large

What?  I’m assuming you aren’t wondering where to rush out and purchase this so-called novel.  If you’re already searching torrents Amazon to find it, stop looking.  It doesn’t exist.

Why is there such an abomination to literature in the fictitious on here?  Why am I claiming it’s mine?  I did it because of 100scopenotes, and you can too – using the formula for:


1 – Go to “Fake Name Generator” or click

The name that appears is your author name.

2 – Go to “Random Word Generator” or click

The word listed under “Random Verb” is your title.

3 – Go to “FlickrCC” or click

Type your title into the search box. The first photo that contains a person is your cover.

4 – Use Photoshop, Picnik, or similar to put it all together. Be sure to crop and/or zoom in.

5 – Post it to your site along with this text.

I followed the same directions and ended up with what you saw above.  Here’s the image I was randomized…

Attribution: Image: 'Sandra And The Slurpee'


Feel free to post any creations here as a comment – or as a comment where I found it.

Moonlight Books You’ll Never Read

These books all look like great finds at yard sales – or more-worn versions of these could be found in a library discard pile.  Thankfully and shamefully, neither of these is an option.

By way of Figment:

“Unfortunately for all of us, it’s a collection of FICTIONAL fiction. Fake books that that master auteur Wes Anderson created for his new–in select theaters now!–movie Moonrise Kingdom.”

What does that mean?  James Cameron can call off the blue kitties dogs since that hued female on the far right won’t conflict with monies coming from any future trips to Pandora (the movie planet, not that awesome music service which I have a profile on).

According to the prophecy, Wes Anderson actually commissioned these covers to be made – but he wrote excerpts for each book.

Still want to read a little bit of these books?  Well here may be as close as you get.  Watch the video below and make it count.

Hit the jump to see additional images…

To read where I lifted most of this post from (and see a Tori Amos reference in the comment(s), click here. Continue reading

Heading to Camp Next Month

In order to get my Nanowrimo 2011 novel finished, I’m heading to camp.  Camp Nano, that is.

The idea is to write 50,000 words in a month – just as the November version.  What’s the difference?  There are two sessions to choose from: June and August – and instead of geographic regions, there are “cabins” consisting of a small grouping of people (four to six as I’ve heard).

This will be the best chance at pressuring myself into finishing my book’s first draft and scoring a printed copy.  The deadline for that would be the end of June, so see what I mean?

[Being only enough time for a first draft, I’ll slap “uncorrected proof” on the cover and then see what feedback I get before making any drastic changes.  Surely much will need done in the proofreading department anyway.]

More to come concerning camping plans.  Curious to try it too?  Come take a look!


Singnature Bassist – Donald Dunn

According to longtime pal and bandmate Steve “The Colonel” Cropper, Donald “Duck” Dunn passed away in his sleep; in Tokyo while on tour.  As lore states (according to Blues Brothers Central):

“Duck’ Dunn was a member of Jake and Elwood’s Blues Brothers Band in the 1970s until Jake went to prison. He then joined Murph and the MagicTones along with several other ex-members, until he rejoined the Blues Brothers Band in 1979. After a very brief tour, he went to prison with the rest of the band. By 1998 he was out of prison and working with Steve ‘The Colonel’ Cropper hosting WEXR 103.7 Talk Radio in Chicago. It was there that Elwood Blues convinced him to come back to the band, where he remained for several more years. His current whereabouts are unknown.”

If you prefer the “IRL” story of Dunn, why read it?  Check this short retrospective; produced in 2005 by Dan Lakin for the Lakland 10th anniversary concert.

How do I remember him best?  As the genius of an electrician who was the only member of the band Jake Blues shot straight with and had the most reverence for.  Donald quit his job working for a burglar alarm company to help get the band back together, but absconded with forgot to return the company van in the process.  If you don’t remember that part of the movie, or if you love alternate histories of anything, then read the book!  It’ll make you love Dunn (and the other members) all the more.

Even though the obvious clip would be the snazzy version of Dunn and company backing Cab Calloway Curtis, what better way to show off this bassist’s moves than seeing “The Duck” shake his tailfeather?

Thanks for the grooves, the pipe, and the times you rocked the fiery halo of a hairstyle.

(click the pic for the bigger version)

Act Today!

For all of you who have aversions to dots in acronyms, you might not have known I was trying to pass along a national holiday.  Reading the banner above should give the gist.  For all who want to know just a bit more…

The day is April 12th to coincide with Beverly Cleary’s birthday.  The idea of D.E.A.R. originated in the book Ramona Quimby, Age 8.

If you want to truly Drop Everything And Read, all you have to do is click this link, which will take you to a free excerpt from one of the Ramona books.  What are you waiting for?  =)

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