Monster Attack Anthology Available Now

Monster AttackThis is the cover of Monster Attack: Gruesome Tales.  It is the anthology where I my short story Affliction was accepted.  Not only is it available in the digital format, but a paperback is available via Amazon – and maybe some other places.

Honestly, my story is a bit more than a short.  It probably approaches a novella; since I lost count of words…oh, around the 8,000 mark.  To learn more about my contribution and the anthology availability, read on…

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New Story Written: Look Down

Look Down cover - Matt MesnardLook Down – short story

Instead of doing what I was supposed to be working on this month, I decided to mess around with writing a short story when a couple of different thoughts collided into my head.  Idea one was something to do with hair color, and idea two was a line I thought I heard from a song which got stuck in my head.  So I sat down and banged out this little story.

This is a story concerning a man who passes a woman on a sidewalk.  I can boil it down to a single sentence.  Turning to a musical analogy, Look Down is more of a guitar solo rather than a fully-formed song.  It’s a bit interesting; and I made a lackadaisical attempt to make it sound like a certain musical act.  I don’t feel like directly saying who, but I suddenly feel like I shouldn’t be playing marbles with a certain guy from their song collection.

Read the story now, and comment here or on the site about it if you wish.  It’s free!

2014 in review: Oh, my BLOG…

Wordpress 2014

Before an official close can be made to 2014, I have to present the facts and figures related to my blog.  This is a great breakdown which showcases all of the (minor?) achievements related to this blog.

Did you think I should have gotten more attention?  You need to take the word to the virtual streets and tell your pals to come check this place out.

Here is an example:  My most-commented posts ended up as a two-way tie.  The bad news?  Only two comments in those.  Hopefully that is enough motivation to make you all speak up a bit more.  No need to be afraid to post your thoughts.  If someone gives you a hard time, I’ll delete or silence those negative types.  Say what you want concerning me…but I won’t let anyone abuse or attack any of my fans.  That’s my word.

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,100 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 35 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Yet Another Anthology Acceptance

Supernatural index_zoom

The above clip is from another anthology acceptance I garnered…from the same person compiling my “monster” story.  I cannot say much yet, but I will let you see a couple images below.  More to come…

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Another Anthology Acceptance

Monster Anthology clipping

Above is a clip from the upcoming anthology I have been accepted into.  I am pretty thrilled about it; so I had to share the news.

This is the second acceptance I’ve had this year.  The estimated release is December or January (I think).  I shall give more details closer to the actual release date…such as what the anthology is about and how to get a look at it.

I’m unsure if it will be strictly digital or if a physical edition is in the works as well.  I’ll share what I know when I know it.

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another submission off


Two short stories have been sent off  – and I have no clue what the actual reception of them will be.  I happened across some information about some anthologies looking for submissions.  I queried someone, and got a positive response…asking me to submit my stories.

I don’t know a whole lot, but I figured it can’t hurt to post some news that someone is interested about something I wrote.   When I learn more, I promise to share – including which stories…if used.

Submission = Book to Come?

3&O blurred cover

Some quick news…

I finished and submitted a short story for something scheduled to be released (hopefully) by the end of the year.  Here’s what I know I can reveal…  I had to write the story based off an introduction given to me; which was less than a few hundred words.  My job was to write what happens next.

With no idea how everything is intended to come together to become a full-length publication, I did get this response…

I’m definitely including your work in the book so no worries there. I’m hoping for a late Dec or early Jan release. I’ll keep you posted as things progress further. Thank you for your participation and great contribution towards this book, it is much appreciated.

When things get closer, or more decided, I’ll share the details…same as the title.  I did make the cover myself – for no particular reason.  Here’s a look at the original concept for the cover:


More to come, hopefully…

Am I Supposed to be Writing..?

girl and protector doodle

Nanowrimo 2014 will be engulfing me soon enough.  I haven’t set eyes on my notes since December of 2013 but I have faith the scribblings are in one of the two writing boxes I have at hand.

For people wondering what I’ll write…the image above is a vague idea.  If anyone read my book from last year and wanted more; I’m still quite inclined work on the continuation.  I won’t call it a sequel, but I still look at the endeavor as a complete book.

The image came about when I was lightly dared to draw in unison with another person.  The sketch was done on a small sheet of notebook paper.  I gave it a little pizazz via some image manipulation.   Here’s what it started as…

doodle original - girl and protector

This is a hopeful sign I am easing back into the blog.  Like the Pere Ubu track; Something’s gotta give…

Doing my best to Camp

Camp Nano 2014 banner: Mesnard

I am participating in Camp once again.  Part of me wonders if I have a choice…and the other side tells me I need a deadline to be productive.  Despite how it looks, I am still pursuing my lofty (if not mysterious and farcical) Road to Glory campaign.

I have it easier this year than last.  I should have no excuse…once I finally get my notes down to “jump the gap” – as I have told people.  I have the end sketched fairly well, and I have most of the script written…but there is a small bit which still needs to be filled; to link both parts.

Taking the opportunity to procrastinate again post, I also slightly modified the sidebar.  Life has kept me busy enough not to even update my 2013 progress nor what I have in store for 2014.  Maybe I’ll  get to it as part of my Camp Nano victory lap…should I reach it.

On the bright side, much of my “spare” time went into a writing project.  I am on hiatus at the moment: which puts me at a seemingly-perfect point to continue my Script Frenzy tribute project from last year.

My WordPress 2013 in review (with fireworks)


Another year on WordPress means another year of the year-end stats.  I had a lot of views for what little content it felt I pushed out.  Maybe making sidebar updates did the trick?  I kid.

The less-than-great aspects?  Of my top five posts viewed this year, four were posted in 2012.  The most comments I received by a person this year: 2.

[There’s always next year..?]

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 3,000 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 50 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Why so ancient, 2014?


Now I had to go and rune it all?  It’s a new year, but plenty of unfinished blogging business has stockpiled in my life and on my computer.  I started this blog to chronicle my writing success (or failure), and then it branched out to showcase some of my diversions.

Instead of kicking right into new business, I decided to post all the stuff I haven’t from 2013.  A blog is assumed to be more topical, but this month I plan to use it as more of a look back – or salute to procrastination.

My Road to Glory yearly resolution feature will still continue, but I will first catch up on some other things such as desktop pics; Nanowrimo recaps; and even the fizzled finale of fantasy football.  Stay tuned.

[If there is something I should drop or continue pursuing on the blog, let me know…either via comments or mailing me.  Thanks again for all the followers and supporters amassed thus far.]


I’m Published (on Leanpub) part 2

Geenie first_proof

Number two of three novels in the have been [digitally] published now.

The first one was my unfinished, appropriate-for-all-ages story which I was working on for a couple of years.

This one?  It does have some similarities; such as being a Nano project in progress for years now.  It’s also unfinished, and has a female as a central figure…as Kindergarten Dropout.

Is there any difference?  The characters are adult, and so would the rating be.  At least a PG-13 rating if a movie…pushing for an R.  The story takes places in more than one state – and even out of the country in parts.

Plenty of intrigue, violence, mystery, death; and even some romance (what I keep getting told is in the story at least).

Of my paltry fanbase, this novel was read and commented on the most.  It also seems the one people most want to see completed.

Curious yet?  Take a look for yourself.  Free samples (as usual); of course.

I’m Published (on Leanpub)

KD first proofI’d rather talk about the tech than talk about me – but here are the nuts and bolts on the situation…

People know I write.  When asked if anything is available to read, usually I point them to my Figment profile for free stories.  I’m asked if I have anything published, and I talk about some unfinished novels, or projects to revise.

Three novels are in the pipeline for [digital] publishing.  One is the first draft of a complete story, and the other two haven’t been completed yet.  Why would I publish unfinished works?  It keeps with the motto of Leanpub: Publish early, publish often.

leanpubI discovered Leanpub this year as a sponsor for Camp Nanowrimo.  I realized they were also a sponsor for Nano 2012, but for whatever reason I did not explore it.

What stands out most publishing through Leanpub is an opportunity to have an unfinished work available for purchase; which can not only provide valuable feedback, but the opportunity to provide free updates to readers.  Leanpub also has great free services to make works ready for publishing – not only converting your text to be available for Kindle or iPad, but a pdf which can be used to make a print version.

The royalties are simple to understand (you keep 90% minus fifty cents per copy).  Another cool perk is a Nano category in their bookstore.

All three projects currently on my profile are Nano works I mentioned at various times on this blog.  They all have free previews, and variable pricing for any who hate paying retail. I have a new email address for taking feedback and critiques, and also to respond.

Leanpub is a simple (and free) way to start publishing, but much elaboration upon a book’s design or layout is possible…if the writer wishes.

The video below is a little geeky and cutesy at the same time; explaining the site better in ten minutes than I can in a thousand words.